Services > AI Strategy & Roadmap

AI has the power to transform both the practice of law, as well as the business of law.

D2LT’s Free AI Readiness Assessment

You will not be replaced by AI – however you might be replaced by a lawyer using AI better than you! 

Sir Geoffrey Vos, Master of the Rolls and Head of Civil Justice, recently said[1]: “Its use may rapidly become necessary in order to perform workplace duties. One may ask rhetorically whether lawyers and others in a range of professional services will be able to show that they have used reasonable skill, care and diligence to protect their clients’ interests if they fail to use available AI programmes that would be better, quicker and cheaper”.

Yet, as Sir Vos also pointed out, before using AI, one needs to understand what it does and what it does not do. And this is, for many law firms and in-house legal teams, the challenge. 

AI has the power to transform both the practice of law, as well as the business of law.  This ranges from business development, administrative and operational tasks to marketing – as well as enhance legal research and text generation, automate routine tasks, and free up legal resources for higher-value work, such as strategic advising and complex case analysis. 

But where should a firm start on their AI adoption journey? 

How can AI be best deployed for competitive advantage? 

What skills does your firm have in understanding the opportunities for AI and the risks its improper use might incur? 

What training is needed?

Clients will invariably soon start to demand the use of AI as part of faster delivery and reduction in legal costs, with the bar being raised based on what they themselves are able to obtain through their own use of AI tools.  With this will come the demand for transparency around your use of AI, and ensuring the appropriate guardrails, processes and procedures are put in place. 

D2LT’s free AI Readiness Assessment Survey is designed to help organisations assess where they are on the AI maturity scale and the development of a right-sized AI strategy as well as AI training.

This 30 – 60 minute assessment will enable us to:

  • Benchmark your AI capability, readiness and maturity versus peer firms 
  • Identify your opportunities for AI adoption
  • Identify any upskilling requirements to help your firm harness the power of AI

Alongside this free assessment D2LT provides full AI Strategy services, including the development of a forward-looking roadmap and business case tailored to your firm’s needs and opportunities. We also offer AI Training, requirements gathering, AI platform selection, and implementation firmwide.

To book your free AI Readiness Assessment Survey or to find out more about our bespoke AI Strategy services, please contact us using the form below.

[1] Speech by the Master of the Rolls: AI – Transforming the work of lawyers and judges – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary (8 March 2024)

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